Nichts neues in KOSOVO - ausser die alten korruptis der Deutschen am werken!

Veröffentlicht auf von karl kreibich

Wirtschaft durch Geldwäsche ! Es dürfte im Kosovo so ca. 70% ausmachen. Deshalb fördert Deutschland den Drogen Export als Produktions Arbeits Platz Beschaffer gerade für die RE Investitionen dann wieder im Kosovo.

Und in Serbien, Albanien, Montenegro, Bulgarien, Rumänien ist es auch nur eine Idee besser.

Serbian Warns of Hawala Transfers

24 October 2008

Belgrade _ Serbia’s central bank and country’s National Interpol Bureau have warned commercial banks, exchange booths and other organisations that handle foreign currency banknotes to remain vigilant over suspected money laundering and currency transfers used by organised crime groups or terrorist networks.

The bank and Belgrade-based bureau of Interpol, a international body that liaises between police forces, said that “it is possible to recognise foreign currency banknotes which were marked by persons or groups involved in the 'hawala' money laundering and funds transfers used by (Islamic) terrorists.”

The bank and Interpol said they were "particularly interested in uncovering methods used by ‘hawaladari’, or people who facilitate illegal money transfers, for mutual recognition."

The centuries-old hawala system is based on Islamic law and it is a way of transferring cash through brokers who offer no promissory instruments. The transactions are based on the honor system. Brokers keep no records except a running tally of the amount owed by one broker to another.

"Their symbols for marking banknotes are sometimes visible only under ultraviolet light,” the statement said.

The hawala is frequently used for illegal money transfer and governments do not favor the system. In the past several major probes were launched in order to establish how much Islamic terrorist funding passes through hawala networks.

The central bank and National Interpol Bureau also sent out warnings to customs and border police offices.

Veröffentlicht in Politik

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