Da hat man sich von seiten EU doch einen Verrückten gezüchtet und herzlichen Dank an die Deutschen Korruptis die das Aufbauten!!
up 1.1.2011, a new ! Info Website //http://news.albania.de/
Die EU: no comment zu den Faschistischen Nazi Ausführungen über Gross Albanien von Salih Berisha vor allem in Vlore und gegen Griechenland ebenso. Er fordert praktisch das Gross Albanien von Adolf Hitler und die Vertreibung alle Griechen, Serben, und anderer Ethnien.
Greek FM Cancels Visit to Tirana After Albanian PM Claims Greek Territories
“Berisha: Albania is 67 thousand square kilometers, not 28.
Continues Berisha`s rethortic about the Greatar Albania”
Der Griechische Aussenminister sagte den Besuch in Tirana deshalb ab.
Die Albaner haben eine extrem schlechte Bildung, welche sich in den letzten Jahren in ein bodenloses Nichts verwandelt hat, wo nur noch ca. 100 echte ältere Wissenschaftler sich ernsthaft mit der Geschichte befassen. Der Rest inklusive vieler Lehrer, betreibt irgendwie eine Mythen Geschichts Erfindung, weil man auch im internet sich nicht kundig machen will.
Einzige Politik von Salih Berisha ist: Freie Fahrt und Straffreiheit für die Tropoje - Kukes - Puke - Burrel // Beute Züge der Verbrecher Banden des Salih Berisha in Albanien und in Europa.
Der primitive Schafshirte Salih Berisha dreht durch (Zeitgleich verhandelt der Bankrott Mafia Staat, wo auch keine Albaner mehr etwas investieren noch Kosovaren, über einen 100 Millionen Kredit mit der Weltbank)
Die Wähler laufen Salih Berisha weg, vor allem die Jungen ebenso, durch die neue Partei AK des Kresniq Spahiu, welche total faschistisch ist.
Albanien der einzige Staat, der schlimmer wie die Taliban seine Antiken Stätten verwüstet und Küsten verwüstet und immer dabei: die PD Mafia.
Die Albaner erfinden irgendwelche Mythen Geschichten, welche nur noch peinlich sind und oft erneut von den US Nazi Organisationen finanziert sind, wie demwww.aacl.com des Gambino US - Albanischen Mafia Bosses: Josef DioGuardio
Berisha: We will unite in Europe
The Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, tried the best moderated way to overcome the absence of Greece in the celebrations for the Independence, who claimed that his declarations damage the good neighbourhood with Greece.
Berisha immediately explained that he mentioned Preveza referring to its history before 1912, and that Albania had no territorial claims to any neighbour. When asked if he felt the absence of Greece in the celebrations, he said: “The French have an expression. Friends always shine in their absence”.
Berisha did not hesitate to talk about the national unification topic, when asked by Top Channel if this would mean the unification of Albania with Kosovo.
“Our motto is that we will unite with each other in Europe. I think that this is a just motto, for which every Albanian should work. We must work for our European project and for overcoming hundreds of obstacles that were placed in these 100 years. Regarding the question, the further recognition and the consolidation of the independence of Kosovo, and its regional and international role, will remain the national interest of all Albanians”, Berisha declared.
Although these declarations were found unpleasant for the Macedonian and Greek neighbours, Berisha did not hesitate to refer to the historic facts of the XIX century, when Albania had four “vilayets” under the ottoman rule, which were given to the Greek, Serbian and Montenegrin neighbours because of their international alliances, dividing this way the Albanian ethnic land.
Berisha made these declarations during the inauguration of a new road that was made in Tirana, and which was named after the Austrian Foreign Minister, Leopold Bertold, who supported the independence of Albania and was against its division.
“Cont Bertold, his government and his country, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, had always considered ethnic Albania as a country of 67.000 square km and the main nation in South-Eastern Balkan. But the Balkan Alliance and other factors didn’t allow the realization of this independent state. This is why he strongly supported Ismail Qemali when he declared the independence and founded the Albanian state, as a vital necessity to save the Albanians, that nation that he loved and respected, from disappearing from the map”, Berisha declared.
“Cont Bertold, his government and his country, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, had always considered ethnic Albania as a country of 67.000 square km and the main nation in South-Eastern Balkan. But the Balkan Alliance and other factors didn’t allow the realization of this independent state. This is why he strongly supported Ismail Qemali when he declared the independence and founded the Albanian state, as a vital necessity to save the Albanians, that nation that he loved and respected, from disappearing from the map”, Berisha declared.
First, we have no strong historical ‘me’. We had five centuries under Turkish occupation, and at that time, we had a Turkish identity, not an Albanian identity, except for our language. We as Albanians didn’t have a real history during these five centuries. Our history was linked to the Turkish Empire. This is one of the reasons I could say that our nationalism started very late…
Traditionally, the society was organized into clans, families, tribes. And our Christian law—the so-called “Canon of Lek Dukagjini”—was called by one of the popes the least Christian law in the world. It was firmly linked to the blood feud. And Albanians could defend only their own house, their own family, their own tribe, and they didn’t care about others.
Fatos Lubonja
famous Albanian dissident
Undeniable is the fact that in Albania the toponyms are, say, without exception - Slavic. To what is that owed?
Dr. Kaplan Resuli:
On the territory of today’s Albania, as has already been confirmed by the most distinguished world scholars, from whom I have already mentioned some,
first settled the Slavs. In 548 A.D., they enter also in Durrachium. The Albanians come via Transylvania (Romania) and Bulgaria much later, IX-X century. In the meantime, understandably, the Slavs have already named all mountains, valleys, rivers, towns and villages, and built some new ones, giving them their own names.
When the Albanians arrive on the Balkan and today¹s Albania, there is nothing else they can do except to take those toponyms. A large part of Albania is flooded with Serbian and Macedonian toponyms. Just as an example, I wish to mention the towns of Pogradec, Kor?a (Korcha), (Chorovoda), Berat, Bozigrad, Leskovik, Voskopoja, Kuzova, Kelcira, Bels and others.
Already in 1995 at the University of Skopje, it became clear to me that there will not be peace on the Balkan until the Albanian question is clarified. For that reason I switched rom the law faculty to the albanological studies and here, contrary to what was being said and written not only by the Albanian, but also by our, Yugoslavian scholars, contrary to what is being taught not only in the Albanian language schools (in Albania, as well as in Macedonia), but also in the schools of ³south-slavic² languages, I discovered that not only the Albanians are not autochthonous people, but they are also not related in any way to the Pelasgians or the Illyrians. Understandably, not one of the professors in Albanology has said this to me. They continued with the tale that allegedly Albanians are autochthonous Pelasgoillyrian descendants.
I discovered that by chance, studying the Albanian language, which, all agree, is of the type SATEM. According to that global division of languages, researching the Illyrian language I discovered that it is of the type KENTUM. The most elementary logic was saying to me that one SATEM language can not be a direct descendant, not even a kind of derivative of some KENTUM language, without a change of its substrate.
Since the Albanian language does not have any changes in its substrate, that means that the Albanians can¹t be, under any circumstance, genealogical descendants of the Illyrians. Later I discovered this, as well, in the works of the world renown professors and scholars…
Standford Universität
Lindita Kosumi, an education expert told SETimes that the ministry of education and all municipalities should advance their hiring methods.
“It is clear that corruption and nepotism play a key role in getting a job in the education sector in Pristina and all other municipalities around Kosovo, so Pristina is not the only case. The way the call is done, the criterias and the selection are suspicious,” Kosumi said.
Kosumi said that having familiar links or being member of political parties that run the cities is an important factor to get a job as teacher or school director.
“In each city, the political party which runs it employs their militants as school directors and teachers sometime unfortunately. This cause lack of professionalism and lack of quality, which has an long-term impact on having an undeveloped education sector, and children who will not get an adequate education. We are now paying the bills for that,” said Kosumi.
Aferdita Bahtiri has two children who go in the Emin Duraku primary school in Pristina. She says that the latest incidents worry her about security in the city and the school especially.
“Imagine when one of the highest city officials is murdered in his office, what safety have our children in the schools or we all in the city,” Bahtiri told SETimes.
Council for Defending Human Rights and Freedoms Executive Director Behxhet Shala tells SETimes that this tragedy could have been prevented if a better process was implemented.
“This murder could be avoided – [it shows] to what level insecurity in Kosovo [has reached], and there are no preventive mechanisms for these crimes,” said Shala.
Report: poor education affects Albania’s economic growth
TIRANA, Albania — The low level of education in Albania is hindering economic growth, according to a new report by the World Bank, quoted by local media on Monday (November 30th). Albania has fewer educated employees compared to developed countries and countries in the region, the document concluded. Currently, Albania has the lowest number of high school graduates — 48.7% compared to 62% in the Balkans. By the end of 2009, more than half of the big companies in the country cited lack of knowledge among their employees as their biggest barrier. The World Bank said this is critical, as companies are the catalyst for potential future economic growth. Albania is spending less on education, the report noted, and ten times less on scientific research than EU countries. (Top Channel, News 24, Top [6] News - 30/11/10)
[7] A New Agenda for Albania’s Future Growth (Press Release)
2009, waren noch die Studenten und Jugendlichen, für die Salih Berisha Regierung. Inzwischen fordert man deutlich die Absetzung der Regierung und ebenso die Entlassung, ihrer verdummten Professoren, die Nichts wissen, aber ein Partei Buch haben. *****en ohne richtigen Haut Schul Abschluß, können in Albanien, ohne Problem Minister werden, (oder gar Parlaments Präsident, PM etc..), weswegen Nichts funktioniert. Das ist wie mit Joschka Fischer, der auch nur Haupt Schul Abschluß hatte und einen Taxi Schein, als Berufs Ausbildung.
Die Studenten fordern die Ablösung ihrer Professoren und ihre Ausbildung auf eine moderne Ausbildung zu bringen. Die Bücher, der Medizin Bücher sind von 1972! Wo wohl das viel Geld, für Bildung in Albanien geblieben ist, wo doch der Herr Micky Maus Minister Genc Pollo, zwar sehr gut Deutsch kann, gute Beziehungen nach Österreich hat und zu Gestalten, welche sehr viel Geld haben und in Luxus Top Autos herum fahren.
Verdummung und Null Wissenschaftliche Lehre, ist ein Markenzeichen im Süd Balkan, wo Professoren *****en sind. Das wurde sogar von dem Bildungs Minister in Mazedonien ebenso festgestellt, das man sich nur Titel zusammen kauft.
Bei einem Meeting der HSS in Tirana, wurde identischen Dumm Wissen, festgestellt, was man immer noch versucht zu verkaufen.
Forschung | 03.12.2010
Wissenschaft im Dienste der Ideologie
Die Antike hält her für nationalistische Mythenbildung
Auch 20 Jahre nach der Wende halten sich in den albanischsprachigen Geisteswissenschaften alte ideologische Klischees hartnäckig. Historiker und Philologen verteidigen den Mythos der illyrischen Abstammung der Albaner.
[4] D-Welle
Energie Probleme ohne Ende, wobei es früher im Süden nie Probleme gab, weil die auch u.a. ihren Strom bezahlen im Gegensatz zu Nord Albanien. Kukes 4% Zahler, Tropoje 0 %, was Alles sagt. Salih Berisha will diese Anarchie Zustände, seiner Verbrecher Banden, denn diese Banden sind Landes weit auf Plünderung Tour.
Himara Regionfour days without power
100th Anniversary ofIndependence of Albania,electricity is interrupted, the control outside theregionespecially during nights hours.
While Albania and Kosova celebrate the 100th anniversary of the independence ofAlbania, the Himara region, continues for four days, without electricity, becausethe Corporation eneregjitike, CHEZ, a high voltage pole, “is overruled.”
But the situation throughout the Himara Region is dramatic, especially duringnights, where no cars identified by the plates, moving to make terror or anyrobbery.
Concerned citizens have asked outraged that the state of Albania, to provideelectricity, as this community pays taxes 100% and does not deserve to betreated in this way.
Lack of electricity in the area, favors evildoers, who rob the houses of theinhabitants, a large proportion of whom live in emigration, Greece.
Die militanten Banden des Salih Berisha
Tirana: Chaos um eine Torte und das Massaker an 1.000 Schafen