Serben erhalten eigene Justiz, Polizei und Zoll im Nord Kosovo - nun die Wissen ja was Normal ist!!! 1.a

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Serbische Kosovo Polizei wird von der UNMIK bezahlt

KPS Serbs to be paid by UNMIK
8 August 2008 | 09:28 | Source: B92
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA -- Serb KPS officers from northern Kosovo will soon start receiving their pay from the UNMIK budget, says the UN police commissioner.

KPS Serbs (FoNet, archive)

Asked by a journalist whether and when Serb members of the Kosovo Police Service (KPS) would receive their back pay, Tor Frigaard told B92 that it would happen “very soon”.

“Wages for the last three months will be paid. There were some bureaucratic problems, their bank accounts were shut down. We’ll do everything we can for them to receive their wages for those three months on new accounts, but that’s bureaucracy—it will take a bit of time to get it all done, but they will get paid,” pledged Frigaard.

Northern Kosovo Police Chief Milija Miloševi said that the Serb KPS officers had closed down accounts where they used to receive pay from the Kosovo government.

“In the meantime, we’ve opened new accounts with foreign banks where we’ll receive our wages from the UNMIK budget,“ Miloševi told B92.

Serb KPS officers are still refusing to work under the control of MUP Kosovo, and coordinate on the field exclusively with UNMIK police.

After a number of incidents this week in ethnically mixed neighborhoods in northern Kosovska Mitrovica, the UN police commissioner said that there was no cause for concern, and that police in northern stations had the situation under control.

“I think the local police station and local police commander have good control over the situation. These things happen over the summer, and it shouldn’t mean that they’re ethnically motivated. I’m not worried about it,“ said Frigaard. ..............


Aktivitäten des Ministeriums für Kosovo und Metohija Drucken

14.09.08 16:56

Das Ministerium für Kosovo und Metohija und die UNMIK werden in der nächsten Woche den Dialog über die Forderungen der Mitglieder der Kosovo-Polizei serbischer Nationalität forsetzen, dass sie unter dem Kommando der internationalen Polizei stehen und dass
Probleme des Funktionierens der Bezirks- und Gemeindegerichte im Norden von Kosovo gelöst werden. Über diese Fragen werden Experten des Ministeriums und der UNMIK sprechen, wurde der Tanjug aus Quellen mitgeteilt, die der Regierung Serbiens nahe stehen. Der Minister für Kosovo und Metohija Goran Bogdanovic hat Gespräche mit der UNMIK über die Verbesserung der Stromversorgung in der Provinz angekündigt, denn es besteht die Gefahr, dass serbische Gebiete im Kosovo wie in den vergangenen Jahren im Winter sogar 18 Stunden ohne Strom sind. Bogdanovic hat angekündigt, dass er nächste Woche im Parlament Serbiens mit den Leiterin der Abgeordnetengruppen die ersten Treffen bezüglich der Resolution für Kosovo und Metohija. „Wir versuchen zu einem gemeinsamen Standpunkt und zu einer gemeinsamen Lösung für die Resolution zu gelangen, die von der Opposition und der Regierung akzeptiert wäre“, hat Bogdanovic gesagt.

Die UNMIK ist voll für den Serbischen Teil von Mitrovica weiterhin zuständig und damit auch für das Gericht dort.

UNMIK returns to Mitrovica courts

PRISTINA, Kosovo -- UNMIK has retaken control over the municipal and district courts building in the Serb-dominated northern part of Mitrovica. KFOR had been supervising them since deadly rioting there in March. UNMIK spokesman Alexander Ivanko said on Monday (September 22nd) that the courts will resume work on October 3rd, staffed initially by international judges and prosecutors. Ivanko added that UNMIK police would be positioned inside the building and around it. KFOR troops will also be deployed but in smaller numbers. On March 17th, UNMIK police stormed the building, which former Serb employees had seized, demanding to be allowed to return to their jobs. During the ensuing clashes, one Ukrainian policeman was killed and 64 UNMIK policemen were injured. Two dozen KFOR troops and several Serb demonstrators were also injured. (Koha Ditore, Zeri, Express - 23/09/08; Alsat, RTK, Tanjug, B92 - 22/09/08

03.10.08, 15:51

UN-Gericht im Norden wiedereröffnet
Im Norden des Kosovo haben Richter und Staatsanwälte des UN-Gerichtshofs ihre Arbeit wieder aufgenommen.

Sie hatten vor gut sechs Monaten wegen gewaltsamer Auseinandersetzungen die Region verlassen müssen. UN-Chefdiplomat Lamberto Zannier sprach am Freitag von „einem ersten Schritt, um jedermann im Kosovo Rechtsstaatlichkeit garantieren zu können“.

Die Vereinten Nationen verstehen sich als Puffer zwischen der albanischen Mehrheit und der serbischen Minderheit im Kosovo.

Zunächst würden die Richter nur über eilige Kriminalfälle entscheiden, sagte ein UN-Sprecher. Zivilfälle kämen später hinzu, sobald weitere Richter in die Region gebracht worden seien

EULEX says judicial sector workers in northern Kosovo will return to jobs soon


PRISTINA, Kosovo -- EULEX Commander Yves de Kermabon said on Tuesday (February 24th) that Albanians and Serbs working in the judicial sector in northern Kosovo will soon return to their jobs. During a visit to Mitrovica, de Kermabon added that the courts, which EULEX currently runs, must start functioning at full capacity since they contribute to a more secure environment in Mitrovica. "We are working to return Albanian and Serbian judges and prosecutors to work as soon as possible, so that this court could start working again," de Kermabon noted, describing overall security in the region as good.

In other news, chief EULEX prosecutor Theo Jacobs will visit Belgrade next month to discuss some unresolved criminal cases with Serbian war crimes prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic. EULEX spokeswoman Kristiina Herodes describes it as a technical meeting.

Meanwhile, workers in Kosovo's healthcare workers launched a general strike Tuesday, accusing the government of breaching an October agreement to raise salaries in their sector. The Federation of Healthcare Union says that the raises failed to take effect in January despite government promises and that promised food allowances are random at best. (Zeri, Koha Ditore, Kosova Sot, Lajm, Epoka e Re, Kosovalive, Express - 25/02/09; RTK, Kohavision, Telegrafi - 24/02/09)

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