Herrlich,eines muss man den Deutschen Korruptis lassen-sie lassen nichts aus!!!

Veröffentlicht auf von karl kreibich

Die komplette Montenegro Wirtschaft ist mit Deutscher Hilfe, unter Mafia Konntrole!

Man kennt das ja auch aus dem Kosovo, wie Deutsche Politiker und Berufs Kriminelle aus dem Lobby Bereich, die Regierungen korrumpieren und Geldwäsche Wirtschafts Monopole errichten. In Albanien und anderen Ländern lief das genauso, um dubiose Geschäfte für [1] VW, Mercedes, Siemens, Hochtief, Bilfinger & Berger zu oranisieren, um private Provisionen zu erhalten. Offensichtlich ist das seit 1999, die einzige Tätigkeit, was sogenannte Diplomaten als Aufgabe sehen, um Betrugs Kartelle zu errichten, für die Geldwäsche. Gernot Erler, Ludgar Vollmer, Bodo Hombach, Steinmeier, auch [2] Schröder, Rezzo Schlauch waren gerne behilflich, als Partner der Balkan Mafia Prominenz.

 Hypo Alpe Adria in Montenegro, die Prominenz der Monte Firmen, Dukanovic und um den Drogen Boss: Darko Saric mit dem Stanaj Clan und dem Bodo Hombach Partner Stubotic, der von Interpol ebenso gesucht wird.

In einem bemerkenswert mutigen Artikel der Zeitschrift Monitor aus Montenegro, sie zählt zu den wenigen unabhängigen Medien dort, wird über die Verbindungen des Drogenhändlers Sarkic (der übrigens auch in Geschäftsbeziehungen mit der WAZ-Gruppe stand) zur Hypo Alpe Adria in Montenegro berichtet. Der Kronzeuge für die Beschuldigungen ist übrigens inzwischen erschossen worden.

The Montenegrin Hypo Alpe Adria Bank  (HAAB) approved, and processed through the bank software, two gold Visa cards to Darko andDusko Saric, each with a credit limit of 20,000 euros. The brothers made a deposit, representing half this amount, on 15th January. The cards were activated on 19th January at the HAAB branch in Pljevlja. The cards are picked up in person, unless an authorisation is issued by the courts. On that day, Darko was already on an arrest warrant issued by Serbian authorities. Two days later, on 21st January, when Podgorica received the Serbian arrest warrant, the Montenegrin authorities hastened to announce that Darko Saric was not in Montenegro.

Several weeks after the Visa cards were issued to them, the Saric brothers’ card information was erased from Hypo Alpe Adria Bank records. The paid deposits were also erased. So, any trace of possible transaction was lost. Where Darko might have been paying, in which shops, cities and countries, and whether he used his HAAB Visa card at all will remain unknown. According to our laws, erasing bank account data from the system is a criminal act…………………

HAAB signed multiple term-deposit contracts with Matenico LLC off-shore company. The owners of Matenico are Jovica Loncar and Miro Mrdak from Pljevlja. They put large deposits at Hypo Bank to guarantee for the loans granted to Pljevlja-based Mat Co., whose formal owners are Jovica Loncar and Matenico LLC. So, Loncar and Matenico in effect used the deposits to guarantee for themselves. Loncar and Mrdak gained media attention when it was discovered that they, along with several other persons connected to the Saric brothers, have shares in the state-owned newspaper Pobjeda. The Commercial Court register shows that the first founder of Mat Co. was Dusko Saric.

On 30th December, 2009: In the midst of the action against Saric, Hypo Alpe Adria Bank  approves a working capital loan to Mat companyin the amount of 2,850,000 euros. This was guaranteed by Matenico with a 2,499,624-dollar deposit. An unfertile 2464 m2 plot of land, as well as a 2741 m2 parcel and a 73 m2 commercial building in Pljevlja were also put as collateral. The interest rate was set at 10 percent. This loan was signed by directors Kristian Toeltl and Tarik Telacevic on behalf of HAAB, and by Muhamed Delagija on behalf of MAT. Incidentally, Tarik Telacevic is from Pljevlja……………….

On 21st February, 2008: A deal between Hypo Alpe Adria Leasing and Secondo Porto doo from Kotor relating to the leasing of the four business premises mentioned above and mortgaged to secure the loan (see the previous paragraph). The leasing amount was 6,386,000 euros. This leasing deal worth millions was covered only with promissory notes, and was signed by Bernd Achatz and Slaven Grizelj as directors on behalf of Hypo Alpe Adria Leasing while Secondo Porto was represented by Janko Rackovic. It remains unclear how Secondo Porto could possibly buy business premises which were mortgaged to HAAB for a loan only 33 days earlier. What was the collateral on that loan, unless it was paid off in a month, even though it had a maturity of 72 months with a one-year grace period?

It is visible from the chart attached by Monitor that, between January 2008 and December 2009, Mat Company doo from Pljevlja (owned by Jovica Loncar and Matenico LLCraised loans from Hypo Alpe Adria Bank  and Hypo Alpe Adria Leasing which were guaranteed by Matenico LLC (owned by Jovica Loncar and Miro Mrdak), Maximus Shipping (owned by Dragan Dudic) and Secondo Porto Shipping (owned by Dragan Dudic). Interestingly, all these loans are being repaid by off-shore companies Flipside Trading Co and Montefllowery S.A., owned by the young student Damjan Dudic, as approved by the bank’s management board and subject to the annexes made to the original loan agreements.


aus [3] Mafialand

Geschäfte mit der Balkan Super Mafia, da hat man in Berlin keine Probleme

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