Die Albanische Polizei ist besser technisch ausgeruestet als die Deutsche - ist das nicht eine Schande von den Deutschen korruptis?"

Veröffentlicht auf von karl kreibich

Die Albanische Polizei ist heute auf einem besseren techischen Stande als die Deutsche!

Dem Forum Salzburg, das sich der Umsetzung der Kooperation widmet, gehören neben Österreich und Ungarn die EU-Staaten Bulgarien, Polen, Rumänien, Slowakei, Slowenien und Tschechien an. Kroatien hat Beobachterstatus. Unterzeichnerstaaten sind Albanien, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Mazedonien, Moldawien, Montenegro, Rumänien und Serbien.

Ungarns Polizeiminister Tibor Draskovics zeichnete ein ähnlich positives Bild der EU-Grenzsicherung wie Fekter. Die Kriminalität in den burgenländisch-ungarischen Grenzgebieten sei gesunken.

Bisher konzentrierte sich die Kooperation unter anderem auf den Austausch von DNA-Daten von Verdächtigen. Weiters soll die „kriminelle Logistik“ bei Terrorismus sowie bei Drogen- und Menschenhandel bekämpft werden. Österreichs Innenministerin hält überdies auch einen „Dialog der Kulturen“ für eine Sicherheitsfrage.

In engen Zusammenhang stehen diese Justiz Aufbau Organisationen

European Commission


for grant applicants
responding to the call for proposals

Open Call for Proposal

Budget line

BGUE-B2007-22.020502-C8-ELARG DELALB

Reference: EuropeAid/125922/C/ACT/AL

Deadline for receipt of applications: 24 October 2007


3.2.2. EU Member State

UK: Through its Department for International development has, since February 2001, operated a project to develop the General Directorate for Taxation. This will end in April 2007.

Sweden: Provision of assistance to the General Directorate of Taxation, notably to the Durres tax office.

Italy: The Joint Italian State Police Carabinieri and Guardia De Finanza Mission, based in Tirana and called INTERFORZA provides operational support to investigations, including financial investigations.

3.2.3. Other donors

The United States of America through its International Criminal Investigation Training and Assistance Programme (ICITAP) and the Office for Prosecutor Development and Assistance (OPDAT) provides advice and training to the Prosecutor, Ministry of Justice and to the police. They have offered training and some technical equipment in the area of financial crime investigation.

The US Government also has an adviser from the US Treasury’s Office of Technical Assistance working in the Financial Intelligence Unit, it is anticipated that he will be withdrawn in April 2007. A USAID funded project to assist the General Directorate for taxation is also due to commence in 2007.

International Monetary Fund: Technical assistance has been provided in the area of Money Laundering. In addition, a new version of the Money Laundering Law has been drafted with the Assistance of the IMF, though it is as yet unclear if and when this may be passed into law.

OSCE: The OSCE has been working with the FIU and private local software company ‘INTECH’ to develop and Oracle based electronic reporting system for the FIU. This software is now in the testing phase and is been trialled by five banks.

It is expected that the project implementing partner(s) will engage closely with existing providers of assistance, such as CAFAO, PAMECA, OPDAT and ICITAP in order to develop synergistic approaches to the implementation of this project as well as avoiding duplication.

3.3 Results

3.3.1 Component 1 – Collaboration

a) Collaboration between the primary institutions involved in the disclosure and investigation of financial crime will be formalised within written guidelines and procedures (Tax, Customs, FIU, Prosecutors, Police, Audit, etc.)

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